Monday 1 February 2010

With every end… comes a new beginning…

After two weeks of being very good during the week and eating anything I can get my fat little hands on at the weekend, I’ve come to the conclusion that whilst I still have access to food, I will simply eat it. All of it. And I don’t, won’t and am probably never going to give a damn about the consequences.

Goodbye Weight Watchers, you’ve been good to me – I leave you 9lb lighter than I was a month ago, despite the cheating – and I am proud of that. You’re just too slow, and whilst your biscuits are low calorie when I only have one, my stupid hand keeps putting five in my mouth. This just isn’t going to work anymore.

Just over two years ago I embarked on the evil Cambridge Diet plan – four soups / milkshakes a day for three months of sheer hell and a flabulous loss of around 3 stones in weight. It would have been perfect had it not been quickly followed by a 5 stone gain. (I stopped short of my goal weight instead of finishing properly, which, is supposed to mean you don’t put the weight back on).

Against even my own advice to friends and family, I am going back on Cambridge. No sugar coating, I care more about what the scales say right now than I do about anything else. I don’t want to be allowed to eat ANY food, because I will just eat all the food. I’m a hoover, and I want to be a… broomstick? I think.

So today is day one, I’ve had one vile chocolate ‘shake’, and will somehow force three more of those down my neck before the end of the day.

Starting weight: 18 stone 11lb (according to the diet counsellors scales – although I definitely lost 9lb last month so I’m not really sure about that… whatever.)

Here we go again.


  1. I'm starting to think these people rig their scales to keep you coming back!! Good luck mate :)

  2. Please don't do this! You're only going to make yourself miserable by starving yourself and experience has shown you it doesn't work. Running away from food won't make you have a better relationship with it. Weight loss takes time, please think about ditching this diet- if you stick with healthy eating and moderation you will see results, and more importantly, sustainable weight loss.

  3. Thanks Alex!

    Haha Jo I feel like I've just been slapped on the wrist by my mum :( Worst part is, I know for the most part you are right, but the plan is sticking - I'll shift the weight as quickly as I can, and then when I go into the maintenance phase, I should come out of it eating 1500 calories a day, maintaining my goal weight and generally not wanting to eat every carb in sight...! We'll see how it goes, hopefully it's not going to end with an 'I told you so!'

    Well done on the korma by the way, no idea how you managed to leave the sauce!


  4. Well I wish you the best of luck, my mum did lighter life and I don't know how she stomached it. Haha I only left the sauce because I got full (all hail the shrunken apetite!) but the next day I was kicking myself for leaving the best bit :D
